IPUL >> combustion         

Research group Nr. 2 "Combustion Research and Control"


  • Dr. phys. Maija ZAĶE leading researcher
  • Dr. sc.ing. Inesa BARMINA leading researcher
  • Bc.phys. Raimonds VALDMANIS asisstant

The main area of our investigations is research and optimization of the combustion process of fossil and renewable fuels with the aim to develop the effective and clean heat energy production by saving heat energy resources and confining the formation and release of the greenhouse emissions (CO2, CH4, NOx) into the Earth's atmosphere.

The main fields of research activities:  

The main research projects related with our research activities (recent 10 years):

  • ERAF logoProject Nr. 2014/0051/2DP/ Improvement and control of pelletized biomass combustion process dynamics in electric field. European Regional Development Funding, 2.1. Priority - "Science and innovation", Activity "Support to Science and Research", 2014-2015.
  • Latvian Research Cooperation Project Nr. 623/2014. Vortex-type flows: modeling with applications to energy conversion technology, design of appliances, novel technological solutions and environmental protection . 2014.-2017. g.
  • ERAF logoProject Nr. 2010/0241/2DP/ Production of the new types of pelletized products from the mixtures of different origin renewable fuels for the clean and effective heat production with substantially improved combustion and heat production technology. European Regional Development Funding, 2.1. Priority - "Science and innovation", Activity "Support to Science and", 2010-2013.
  • Joint research project of Institute of Physics on magnetohydrodynamics and heat and mass transfer. 2010, funded by the Latvian Science Council.
  • The electromagnetic field effect on the processes of motion, heat and mass transfer in swirling conducting flows. 2009, funded by the Latvian Science Council.
  • ERAF logoProject Nr. VPD1/ERAF/CFLA/05/APK/2.5.1./000001/001. "Utilization of the regional wood biomass resources for the clean heat energy production by co-firing the wood biomass with gaseous fossil fuels". European Regional Development Funding, 2. Priority - "Promotion of innovation and business", 2.5.1. Activity - "Financial Support of Applied Research in the State Research Institutions", 2006-2008, ERAF.

Main publications:

1.     M. Abricka, I. Barmina, R. Valdmanis, M. Zake, Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling Flows and Flame Dynamics// Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences. Vol. 51, 2014, Riga, pp. 25-40. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/lpts.2014.51.issue-4/lpts-2014-0021/lpts-2014-0021.xml

2.     I. Barmina, M. Zake, R. Valdmanis, A. Arshanitsa, V. Solodovnik, G. Telisheva. The Effect of Birch-Bark Addition on the Elemental Composition Characteristics of Different Types of Biomass Pellets// Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 39, 2014, pp.

3.     I. Barmina, A. Līckrastiņa, J. Valdmanis, R. Valdmanis, M. Zaķe, A. Arshanitsa, G. Telisheva, V. Solodovnik, Effect of microwave pre-processing of pelletized biomass on its gasification and combustion//Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, Vol. 50, 2013, Riga, pp. 34-47, http://www.innovation.lv/fei-old/zurnals/2013_04.pdf

4.     A. Lickrastiņa, I. Barmina, V. Suzdalenko, M. Zake, Gasification of pelletized renewable fuel for clean energy production, Fuel, Vol. 90, (2011), pp. 3352-3358, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016236111003085

5.     M. Zake, I. Barmina, I. Bucenieks, V. Krishko, Magnetic Field Control of Combustion Dynamics of the Swirling Flame Flow, Magnetohydrodynamics, 2010, Vol. 46, No 2, pp.171-187. http://mhd.sal.lv/authors/Zake_M.html

6.     V. Suzdalenko, I. Barmina, A. Lickrastina, M. Zake, The Effect of Co-gasification of the Biomass Pellets with Gas on the Thermal Degradation of Biomass. Proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Vol. 24, 2011, Florence, Italy, pp.7-12  http://www.aidic.it/cet/11/24/002.pdf http://www.aidic.it/cet/11/24/programma.html#002.pdf

7.     M. Zake, I. Barmina, I. Bucenieks, V. Krishko, Magnetic Field Control of Combustion Dynamics of the Swirling Flame Flow, Magnetohydrodynamics, 2010, Vol. 46, No 2, pp.171-187. http://mhd.sal.lv/authors/Zake_M.html


LV Patents:


1.     I. Barmina, A. Līckrastiņa, R. Valdmanis, M. Purmalis, M. Zaķe, A. Arshanitsa, V. Solodovnik, G. Telisheva, LV patents Nr. 14741. Method for Treatment of Plant Raw Material Pellets. 11.07.2013.

2.     A. Arshanitsa, G. Telisheva, V. Solodovnik, I. Barmina, M. Zaķe, R. Valdmanis, LV patents Nr. 14813. Method for production of Fuel Pellets. 15.11.2013.

3.     I. Barmina, M.Gedrovičs, P. Meija, A. Meijere-Līckrastiņa, M. Purmals, M. Zaķe, Boiler for renewable fuel and gaseous fuel cofiring - LV patent application P-08-20,experts decision 2/1307, 20.09.2009., pp.1-16.